
MerchIntel is a Merch by Amazon market research tool with a data source of over 6 million continuously updated designs. Launched in January 2020 with love for the Design and Technology of experience Merch players, MerchIntel is expected to help users – from amateur to professional – achieve their business goals.

Are you wondering why your designs receive so many compliments from friends but still cannot sell? Why are you launching a Christmas-themed shirt on the right occasion but the sales still are not growing? Your personal tastes and style will probably create a good design that will be of interest to many customers. However, how much is “much” here? Is it enough for your design to be trendy? Stop guessing and let MerchIntel give you the correct answer.

Figures such as trending, best sellers rank, price … will be updated continuously over time will be a solid foundation for designers to unleash creativity based on the general purchase trend of customers. Any issues that are plaguing, you will clear about the numbers provided by MerchIntel.